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Sunday, July 22, 2012

European summer cruising season has 206 ships serving 528 destinations: CLIA

News Release

Four new European destinations open, three new cruise lines start operations, 20 ships enter into service, 79 cruise ships return to European waters from their winter routes

Brussels - As the summer cruise season got under way in Europe, 79 ships sailed back to European waters from their winter routes in the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa and Asia, bringing the total fleet in the region this summer to 206 cruise ships, operated by 64 lines, serving 528 destinations stretching from the Mediterranean to the Arctic.

Underlining the industry’s steady growth in Europe, the European summer fleet will include 20 new ships this year, including 13 ships re-entering service for new operators. In addition, three new cruise lines have started operations, and four new destinations have opened to cruise ships, data compiled for the Cruise Lines International Association and the European Cruise Council shows.

“The number of new destinations, new lines and new ships entering service in Europe this year are all further evidence of how cruising is growing and will continue to grow in the region, drawing on Europe’s unique offering in terms of its rich culture, its varied geography and its long maritime traditions, and its expertise in hospitality and service,” said Manfredi Lefebvre d’Ovidio, ECC Chairman.

“Seeing so many ships arriving in European ports for the start of the summer cruising season underlines how the European cruise sector is an integral and growing part of the global cruise industry that offers consumers high value holiday options and economic benefits to hundreds of communities,” said Christine Duffy, President and CEO of CLIA. 

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About CLIA

The nonprofit Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) is the world's largest cruise industry organization. CLIA represents the interests of 26 member lines and participates in the regulatory and policy development process while supporting measures that foster a safe, secure and healthy cruise ship environment.

CLIA is also engaged in travel agent training, research and marketing communications to promote the value and desirability of cruise vacations with thousands of travel agency and travel agent members across North America. For more information on CLIA, the cruise industry, and CLIA-member cruise lines and travel agencies, visit www.cruising.org. CLIA can also be followed on the Cruise Lines International Association's Facebook and Twitter fan pages.

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