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Monday, October 30, 2017

"Life's a beach again in most Caribbean cruise ports/destinations

   Out to Sea for Oct. 28/17


   (c) Postmedia Network/Sun Media newspapers/websites

   They’re working on “island time” across the Caribbean to get hurricane-damaged ports of call open again for business.
   While the expression is “one of those delightful double entendres,” in this case it means time well spent in a place that refreshes the spirit and cleanses the soul.
   That’s the situation after the devastating blows by two hurricanes but the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) reports the “vast majority of Caribbean ports are open and welcoming tens of thousands of daily cruise passengers.”
Life’s still a beach at most places across the Caribbean including Magens Bay. (Jim Fox photo)
   More than 80 ports are open while four – St. Croix, San Juan, St. Martin and St. Thomas – were “most seriously affected” and are the most significant to popular cruise itineraries.
   It’s in everyone’s best interests to get things back to somewhat normal across the region as the Caribbean is the world’s leading cruise destination.
   Recovery is happening very quickly due to widespread efforts and the people there, said Arnold Donald, chair of the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) and ceo of Carnival Corp.