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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Titantic memorial cruises attract the curious, relatives of victims

   Out to Sea column for March 31/12
   By Jim and Barb Fox

   In a year when there was a nautical disaster that could have rivalled that of the Titanic, people are clambering to be on board memorial voyages to hover over the shipwreck site from a century ago.
   Those with a morbid fascination to people who liked the movie and those who lost ancestors in the sinking have booked passage on the two sailings.
The Titanic being prepared for launching to begin its maiden voyage to New York from England.
   The ships will rendezvous in the mid-Atlantic for a memorial ceremony at the time when the Titanic hit the iceberg and sank on April 15, 1912.
   On her maiden voyage, there was the loss of 1,517 passengers and 706 survivors.
  Her eternal resting place is four kilometres beneath the surface 595 kilometres offshore from Mistaken Point, Newfoundland.
   “We’ve booked this once-in-a-lifetime event as we wish to commemorate our relative, Thomas Pears, who died on the Titanic,” said Jane Allen of Devon, England.